Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pawlenty would sign ban on Planned Parenthood funding

Gov. Pawlenty at the 2010 MCCL March for Life
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty -- a candidate for president in 2012 -- said in an recent interview that he supports a ban on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading performer and promoter of abortions. He is absolutely right.

Pawlenty added:
I have been strongly pro-life. In fact, the National Review Online ... did an article about the 2012 candidates and the headline was — the point of the article was — that, based on results and not just rhetoric, I'm the most pro-life candidate running in the race.

And so I don't think taxpayer money should be used to fund organizations that are involved in performing abortions. I think most Americans would agree with that and I strongly would agree with that and would lead those efforts.

Beyond that, I've got a record of results in this area in Minnesota — having proposed and signed a Women's Right to Know bill, having proposed and signed legislation on positive alternatives to abortion, a fetal pain bill, and much more. And the pro-life group in Minnesota ... [has] said I was the best governor in the modern history of the state on these issues.