Pregnancy care centers offer hope and help to women in need and those who care about them. They typically provide the following free services: pregnancy tests, caring and confidential counseling, medical referrals, information on abortion risks and adoption, information about medical insurance or government assistance, temporary shelter and more.
Some pregnancy care centers also offer medical services (including ultrasounds), professional counseling, ongoing pregnancy support, post-abortion support groups, and housing and adoption services. They may also provide clients with maternity and baby clothes as well as baby furniture and supplies. Available services vary by center.
Pregnancy care centers in Minnesota and bordering states are listed here (with contact information) in alphabetical order by city. Most offer 24-hour telephone hotlines. Additional pregnancy services are listed here.
Nationwide, find a pregnancy center near you, or chat online with a counselor 24/7, at Option Line. You may also call:
Care Net toll free: 1-800-395-HELP
Birthline Hotline toll free: 1-800-786-0200
Birthright Hotline toll free: 1-800-550-4900
Read the Minnesota Department of Health information to learn about abortion risks and alternatives, and to see photographs of developing unborn children. Also check out Minnesota's Safe Place for Newborns law. For Spanish-speaking women: ¡Información importante en español!
Post-abortion services are listed here.
Organizations listed are not necessarily endorsed by MCCL.